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Friday, March 21, 2008

Suhbat: Who is Muhammad Salallahu Alayhi Wasalam?

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani ar-Rabbani qs
Saturday, 3 March 2008, London UK

Minhaj ul-Quran, LondonModerator:The Holy Prophet commanded the Ansaari, "Qoomoo li-sayyidikum - O people of Ansaar, go and stand up and receive your leader." Now I am going to call on the Sign of Allah ayatun min ayatollah he is a singof Allah. He is a symbol of Allah. And it is said in hadith when yousee the friends of Allah you remember? [Allah!], you remember? [Allah]Please stand up of respect of shaykh and remember him in remembrance of Allah. Allah, Allah...Allah,Naray takbir [Allahu Akbar!!!] Naray Risalah [Ya Rasulullah!! !] NarayHaydari [Ya Ali!!!]

I am sorry, I am not that person. Please forgive me and please prayour shuyukh for Allah to give them long life. I like to thank Minhajul-Quran and especially send my best regards on my behalf and onbehalf of my shaykh Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani to Mawlana ShaykhTahir ul-Qadri Shaykh al-Islam for this beautiful event not only herebut everywhere around the world. And I would also like to mention thatwe have very important guests in the meeting, that we send all ourbest and regards to them from the speakers and from the audience. Andeveryone, may Allah bless him and bless her and bless her and herfamily.

It is enough to say "be happy." [Mawlana is crying] Be happy thatAllah made us from the nation of Sayyidina Muhammad . Be happy thatAllah has created us and He called us His servants, where Hismessenger, His beloved one said, "the only time that I am happy iswhen Allah called me 'My servant.' If Sayyidina Muhammad is happy tobe called 'servant' what about us? O Allah, we call You from this place, for thesake of Sayyidina Muhammad whom you sent rahmatan lil-`alameen,forgive us. Forgive the poor ones before us and after. Send everyoneto Paradise because they are all Your servants. You created us and weknow O Allah, I know we are responsible for our mistakes but wehelpless and weakless servants, we cannot do that. e ask Yourforgiveness.

Alhamdulillah it is the first day of Rabi`ul-Awwal and we arecelebrating that event. What is the meaning of that event? I amlooking and thinking and wondering why are we meeting? What is thereason? Is it to call on Sayyidina Muhammad sall-Allahu `alayhi wasallam and celebrate his birthday? Is that our message or is that ourlove? As Shaykh Abu Bakr just said, "It is easy to say it by tongue."It is easy to say that Allah put his name with the name of SayyidinaMuhammad .

When you go to an event, say in the palace, you are invited to thepalace or you are invited to meet a president. You cannot sitanywhere. There is a protocol you have a set and your name there. Ifyour name is not there you have no right to sit. It means that chairdoesn't belong to you. If your name is there that means this is whereyou sit.

So if we think a little bit deep and we see that the name of SayyidinaMuhammad is besides the name of Allah swt, where he says la ilahaila-Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah, that place belongs to SayyidinaMuhammad. We didn't see any other name found there except the name ofSayyidina Muhammad. So we know that Allah swt is giving that realityto His beloved one whom He created before creation. Whom He createdfrom His light and whom He made him a prophet before Adam and gave himwhat? Called him in Holy Qur'an what? And all of us we know that. Hecalled him rahmatan lil-`alameen. What is the meaning of rahmatanlil-`alameen?
When you go to generous person: a lord or congressman or a king, or aqueen, when you ask them something they are generous they give youeverything they can. So generosity, Allah Huwa al-Kareem, generosityis when Allah wants to give He will not give in limits. When He gaveSayyidina Muhammad to be rahmat, one of His Beautiful Names ar-Rahmanar-Raheem, He dressed him from that mercy that Allah gave to him thruthe manifestation to him as His servant. He made him rahmat, thatBeautiful Names, gave him rahmat.

That means He made him everything possible according to Allah's swtGreatness. Not according to human greatness. A king might give, aqueen might give; a lord might give; they give according to the levelof their generosity. But they don't give what Allah gives.So Allah gave to Sayyidina Muhammad according to His level ofgenerosity. Without restriction. And that means that whatever theProphet asks he will get. And the Prophet said, "I am the master ofthe children of Adam and I say it with no pride.

"What do he means to say? It means, "O Allah give them to me..." Do youthink if the Prophet says in Day of Judgment "give them to me?" What?Allah will say to him "no"? Why then is he rahmatan lil-`alameen. WillHe not give him what he asks? Then if not He isn't giving with full generosity.

That chair belongs to the Prophet . And every chair in Paradisebelongs to the Prophet.

When Adam made the mistake and he ate from the tree and then he askedforgiveness for the sake of Sayyidina Muhammad Allah asked him, "whatdo you know about Muhammad?" He said, "O Allah wherever I turn myface, even in the whole Paradise that you gave to me, I am seeing thename of Muhammad on every leaf of a tree; I am seeing on every wall ofparadise the name Muhammad; I am seeing in every smallest atom that ispossible I am seeing the name of Muhammad."
That name is written on the walls, on every leaf of every tree, onevery atom even. For that reason I know Ya Rabbee he is someone ofimportance to You; not for us." Allah said, "O Adam, if not forMuhammad I would not have created creation. I gave that creation toMuhammad; he is My messenger to them." What does that mean? Thisuniverse we are living in; that great universe that we are living in.[It means:] "O Adam, I created creation for him." Allah said and Imentioned that before that wa in min shayin illa yusabihoo bi-hamdihiwa lakin... Every atom is praising Allah in a different way, not inthe same way, every atom that Allah created, every creation that Allahcreated living and non-living, every cell in a human being there arethree trillion cells in the human body, they regenerate completelyevery six months. Every cell is saying tasbih. Every non-living thing,every drop of water, is praising Allah?We are not understanding them.Who is understanding their praise?

The one who heard them when he was walking by Jabal Uhud, when thetrees and the pebbles were praising Allah and everything was praisingSayyidina Muhammad. Allah ordered: inna Allah wa mala'ikatahuyusalloon `ala an-Nabi Ya ayyuhalladheena aamanoo salloo `alayhi wasallimoo tasleema. Allah ordered every angel to praise SayyidinaMuhammad. Allah swt ordered every human being to praise the Prophet.

So this universe live in is it big or small. Scientists say there aresix billion galaxies and in every galaxy is 80 billion stars. Andevery star is bigger than this solar system that we are living in. Andevery atom in every star in every galaxy is praising SayyidinaMuhammad . Allah gave them to Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhiwasalam.

O human beings enjoy. Be happy, don't be said, be happy. Whatevercomes, comes, only be good and praise the Prophet . You will be saved.You think anyone will enter fire. Allah will give him shafa`a foreveryone to enter Paradise You thank Allah created creation to burnthem to punish them to crush them. For what? Allah is just, Allah ismerciful. When He sees His servants crying and asking for Hisforgiveness He will not forgiven them? I am not saying only Muslims.Anyone who wants to object, they may object!

We want everyone to enter Paradise. From Adam to the Day of Judgment.That is Islam. That is the message of Islam. I am feeling bad becausewe are not doing enough. We are feeling bad, Muslims around the worldand non-Muslims. They feel bad why? Because there is something in usand something reminding us of our mistakes.We feel guilty. O Muslims enjoy this life by obeying SayyidinaMuhammad and all other prophets. Before I finish I would like to sayone thing. That when Adam as looked and saw all these names ofSayyidina Muhammad on every leaf of a tree or every atom in of theuniverse in heavens he knew that this belongs to Sayyidina Muhammad .He was crying and crying and went into sajda. And He was crying andhis tears were coming like a flood and Allah left him for forty years.And Allah said to him, "O Adam it is enough, raise your head.

He said, "O Allah do you forgive me?" Allah said, "O Adam, of course Iforgive you, but I let you to cry for forty years. Why? Because mybeloved Prophet asked Me to intercede for every human being insideyou. Adam at that time and I left you to give tears on the number ofthe grandchildren of Adam. And until that happened I told you to raiseyour head."

We are ummatan marhooma. Allah has blessed us and sent His mercy on usfor the sake of Sayyidina Muhammad saw .

What is the description of tasawwuf about the Prophet ? We heard toomuch about Sufis, Sufis, Sufis and today are too many institutesaround the world asking what is that Sufism.And our shuyukh may Allah give them long life, and all our shuyukh andI cannot name all their names and all our shuyukh Shaykh Tahirul-Qadri, they were?teaching their students tasawwuf.

That is a culture that is coming from the time of the Prophet up totoday. Today they opened their eyes on that because of what the othersare doing today. So they said, "there is a problem." And alreadyshaykh Abu Bakr mentioned many about that. But I would like to mentionone thing. Who is prophet? Do we know?? We know the picture of hisgrave. Did we see Sayyidina Muhammad? Yes or no??! [no] Why? You think he is not present here in this hall. You think if you call him "YaRasulullah Ya rahmatan lil-`alameen" will he not be present in this hall?

The problem is we are blind, We cannot see. He is present here ofcourse. He is here or course. He is looking at us of course. Why?Because as these great awliyaullah explained, as these Sufis teachersexplained, that Sayyidina Muhammad is the mirror for creation. You cannot see yourself except thru the mirror. Sayyidina Muhammad is themirror in the Divine Presence reflecting everything Allah created inthis world in to existence. [naray takbir?naray risalah?narayhmadiMustafa marhaba, marhaba. Jaana-e Mustafa noore Mustafa

O Muslims, O human beings! We are the reflection from the DivinePresence thru the mirror of Muhammadun Rasulullah. We are still there.This here is our images. This isn't our realties. The realities arestill in the Divine Presence . Allah swt did not release them. Hereleased them thru the mirror of Sayyidina Muhammad to be reflectedthem on earth. That is why Sayyidina Muhyideen Ibn `Arabi and manySufi teachers, and Imam Ghazali, said, the real time when I am notblind is when I die. there I open my eyes and there I see the truth.

Muhyideen Ibn `Arabi said that the mirror that everything beenreflects from the Divine Presence to existence is reflected isMuhammadun Rasulullah. If that mirror disappears you cannot seeanything here, it will be a completely hidden treasure in the DivinePresence . What He wanted to appear, He made to reflect in this lifethru the mirror of Muhammad. Since we are reflections in the mirror who then is responsible? The mirror or the reflection? The mirror isthe one that is responsible. We are doing cracks on this mirror only.

You think Allah swt, when stones are coming on a car, you don't seethe glass break? No you see only the cracks. . It doesn't break but itgets cracks. Sayyidina Muhammad does not accept even cracks on hismirror. That is why we are still in the divine presence pure. That is why awliyaullah say you didn't see anything yet. What you are seeingyet is only images. Wait. Wait until you leave this dunya. We areasking, "O Allah show us his reality. Don't leave us to akhira. Inakhira everyone will see him. We want to see here. But we are asking"Ya Rasulullah, let us see you. appear to us! We are weak servants.Appear to us, appear in our hearts. You appeared to awliyaullah. Bewith us in every moment of our lives.

"That is what we are asking, O Allah, for the sake of Your awliya andfor Sayyidina Muhammad's sake, let us be in the presence of SayyidinaMuhammad in every moment of our life. Let our hearts say Muhammad,Muhammad, Muhammad saw. May Allah forgive us.Love from our Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani and greetings to all ofyou and to Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri and to all those who participated inthis blessed gathering.

Wa min Allah at tawfiq

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